Plantation, Florida – Net Lease Investments has information on a new Kohl’s that was built in Plantation, Florida. Well that Kohl’s net leased investment is up and running and they are hiring people for that location. Plantation is just west of Fort Lauderdale. This Kohl’s in Plantation will create about 130 to 155 new jobs in the area. It is the 48th Kohl’s Department store.
Commercial Real Estate Listings
This commercial real estate has the address for Kohl’s Department Store at 821 S University Drive. Commercial real estate nearby has Anchors such as Barnes & Noble, Marshall’s, Jos. A. Banks and Home Goods. This area gets quite a bit of retail traffic, which is a must for Net Lease Investments.
Net Lease Investment Property Lonas
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Feel free to Contact us nor to purchase various net lease investments. Also Contact us today to sell your existing Net Lease Properties portfolio. We have relationships with plenty of commercial real estate investors interested in purchasing net lease investments. We provide tremendous marketing and exposure for your net lease properties, resulting in the highest pricing and quicker closings.
List of other Retail Single Tenants that may be available as a Net Lease Properties:
•AutoZone Net Lease Properties
•Burger King Net Lease Properties
•CVS Net Lease Properties
•FedEx Net Lease Properties (Federal Express Net Lease Properties)
•Home Depot Net Lease Properties
•Kohl’s Net Lease Properties
•Kroger Net Lease Properties
•Lowe’s Net Lease Properties
•McDonald’s Net Lease Properties
•Publix Net Lease Properties
•Safeway Net Lease Properties
•Staples Net Lease Properties
•Target Net Lease Properties
•Walgreens Net Lease Properties
•Wal-Mart Net Lease Properties
•Wendy’s Net Lease Properties